Lécia Vicente, Social Enterprise in the United States in SOCIAL ENTERPRISE LAW: A MULTIJURISDICTIONAL COMPARATIVE REVIEW (Dana Brakman Reiser, Steven A. Dean & Giedre Lideikyte Huber eds., Intersentia, 2023).
Abuse of Companies through Choice of Incorporation?
Martin Gelter and Lécia Vicente, Abuse of Companies through Choice of Incorporation?, in ABUSE OF COMPANIES (Hanne Birkmose, Mette Neville & Karsten Ensig Sørensen eds., Wolters Kluwer 2019).
The Hohfeldian Concept of Share in Limited Liability Companies: A View from the Common and Civil Law Traditions
Lécia Vicente, The Hohfeldian Concept of Share in Limited Liability Companies: A View from the Common and Civil Law Traditions, 33 TULANE EUROPEAN & CIVIL LAW FORUM 41 (2018).